

The house is equipped with an extension. There you can find an additional bedroom.

You can see it on the picture, at the left hand side. The area is separated lightly by a wall.

The extension has his own separated entry. The area around is covered by an awning.

The bedroom accommodates 2 persons.

In the back of the same floor there is a housekeeping room.

If you prefer, you can also rent the extension.


The bedroom is furnished by:
  • a wash-basin,
  • a wall-chest and
  • a double bed.

  • The housekeeping room is equipped with:
  • a shower and a bathroom.

  • one refrigerator,

  • one freezer and

  • one washing-machine.

  • Swimming Pool  

    The extension has, like the house, an access to the swimming pool.

    It is oriented to the south.

    You can take a sun bath, but you also find a shadowy place nearby the pool.